Hello Beautiful Bean People. Welcome to
About My Journey
It All Started When I Had Crohn’s Disease …
Before my Crohn’s diagnosis, I thought I was healthy. I looked healthy, (slender) and I mostly ate healthy-ish, but if I am real, I wasn’t healthy. I was burning both ends of the candle, eating the healthiest option on the fly, and “healthy” sweet treats played a semi-lead role in my daily life. I would yo-yo from not working out to working out too much to doing cleanses, and then go out drinking with clients, etc. The truth is, I was stuck in an unconscious survival mode and had no idea how stressed I actually was because I had nothing to compare it to. On reflection, I now realize my nervous system had been stuck in overdrive AKA fight or flight for as long as I can remember.
The unraveling of my illness was a winding road, it started with years of transient gut issues (that I partially paid attention to) and peaked in 2010 with a punch to the gut and a diagnosis of full-blown, debilitating Crohn’s.
Six months after going into complete remission by doing this protocol, I was reminded of a promise I had made around 2am. The promise I made to myself was simple. If I ever got better, I would find a way to help others suffering from health issues.
I’m so excited to present to you
An invitation to a simple, healthy, lifestyle.
You are embarking on a detox plan now, but you can join me on the longevity plan after eight weeks, give or take. For me, this is the foundation of how I eat every single fantastic day of my life. You see, I learned that what I look like on the outside is essential for my ego, but the health I feel on the inside makes life worth living. Today I enjoy vibrant health. I don’t take a single medication. I work out in a healthy fashion that supports my body, and I am thankful every day for this health-promoting protocol.
*** Please be advised that this content does not take the place or serve as medical advice. This course was created to help put the power of your health back in your hands, by helping you create healthy eating habits that support a healthy digestion and longevity of health.
01. Complete Lessons 1, 2, & 3.
These lessons will provide you with the education and how to prep before you start on the bean protocol. Listen to each audio and and complete each journal exercise after listening to the audio prompt. These serve as your pre-protocol “one-on-ones” with me before your actual phone consultations. The purpose of these modules is to prep and set yourself up for success during The Bean Protocol™.
02. Start the Protocol
Being on the Bean Protocol (Phase 1 and Phase II), the recommended timeline is 4 weeks per phase or 8 weeks in total.* However, please note that each body is different, and you will navigate or remain in a phase based on your symptoms.
03. Set-yourself up for Success
Pick a day during the week where you will meal prep.
Watch the How to Meal Prep on The Bean Protocol Video in Phase I & II.
I’ve included a link to my favorite resources below (What I buy + where I buy it).
04. Need extra support? Book a Coaching Call
You've got this. I've got you. If you feel like you need extra support at any point during the program, book time with me. I've included a booking link below, but you can also access this link in the left navigation throughout the whole course!
To finish this welcome module
Listen to the Audio Clip, & Complete the Journal Exercise
Journal Exercise
Imagine your healthiest body.
Ask yourself …
What does it feel like?
What does it look like?
How would you live in this healthy body?
How would you spend your time with this new vitality?
What are your beliefs around natural healing?
What might interfere with reaching your health goals?
Write out your WHY. Post it where you can see it.