terms of use & disclaimer

Please advise that this content does not take the place or service as medical advice. You’re Great and The Bean Protocol™ were created to help put the power of health back in your hands, by helping you create healthy eating habits that support healthy digestion and longevity of health.

Any information on this Website is not meant to diagnose or treat any ailment as this should be done by a competent, experienced naturopathic doctor or medical doctor. It is important to remember that each individual’s body has specific requirements for nutrition and/or health. Therefore, the information offered on this Website is for historical and general information only and Is not to be construed as medical advice or treatment for anyone. Nothing on this Website is legal advice or medical advice or treatment. The use of herbs and other natural remedies is a natural right. All material and information is intended to be used for personal education or informational purposes only. The statements or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. All products should be used strictly as intended. Please check all ingredients to prevent potential allergic reactions. Use of this Website is not meant to substitute for medical care or advice. Please consult with your doctor or medical professional regarding the use of any goods, products or information.

By using our services and/or using our website, you agree to the above terms of use & disclaimer.