Protocol Phase 02 — The Gut Restore


What is the purpose of Phase 02?

Phase II is really just a continuation of Phase 1 with minor tweaks to the amount of beans you are consuming. I take you up the hill and bring you back down to what I consider the foundation protocol. This protocol I will be on for life. Yep, life. By now, I hope that you are feeling an increase in energy, and a decrease in health symptoms. If you are working on hormonal imbalances, that could take 6-9 months. So just keep on truckin’ and stay with the increased amount of beans. . If you still feel like crud, just keep on going with the higher amount of beans. Keep it simple if you have gut stuff. Steamed, poached and tasteless.



How long will I be in Phase 02?

Many will just be getting started. To be honest, I suggest anyone taking this protocol be on it for 3-6 months... but that should be based on your symptoms and how you are feeling. Every 3 months, we go through mitosis of our endocrine system. Some will need 3-6 of these cycles.



Symptoms people should expect:

Easy bowel movements, no cramping and low bloating. Increase of energy, vitality and a sense that you are headed in the right direction. Remember, everyone has their own healing pace, it’s not a race, or a sprint, this is a marathon. The body heals at the pace it heals, some people heal quickly while others will feel like they are struggling along. I was the slow struggling along healer. It can be such a bummer. Stay calm, chew well, it will get better.



What will I eat + prep during Phase 02?


Download the full meal plan, here.



Longevity of Health Plan

You could eat this way 90/10 or 80/20 for the rest of your days, and your body would thank you. I've been on the below protocol for seven years and counting. In the first two years, I was on a strict version of this protocol.

In this part of the protocol, you have beans 3x a day. You can eat them between meals as snacks or keep the fats in your meals low and have beans with meals and fat snacks between. 

In balanced health, feel free to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks in moderation. No more than two alcoholic beverages weekly is suggested for the longevity of your health and to have restorative sleep. For some caffeine will come back into the picture- consider Green tea or Yerba Maté.

If you have husk, you can have 2 servings of beans daily instead of 3x as the husk will replace or add a 4th serving. I usually add an extra serving by having the husk too.


The 1/2 cup bean serving size is for individuals who weigh between 120-190 pounds. If under 120 pounds, reduce the serving size to 1/3 cup. If over 190 pounds, increase serving size to 2/3 cup. Palm-size of lean protein 3x a day.


1/2 -1 cup of veggies 3x a day. (Minimum — don't be shy about eating your vegetables)


Healthy fats are wonderful and supportive of healthy skin, hormones, and nails. I suggest anywhere from 1/1/2 cup of salted nuts or 1/2 cup of nut butter or 1 cup of salted nuts, 1/4 cup nut butter. Please eat the amount that feels right for you and eat the fats you digest the best.I often just do 1/2 cup salted nuts daily. I like a variety. Seeds are great too if nuts aren’t working for you.


Yep, berries are preferred, but whatever you do, strike a balance. Please don't faceplant in a pile of fruit. Eat local and seasonal.

In balanced health, feel free to enjoy your favorite foods, drinks and teas in moderation. No more than two alcoholic beverages weekly is suggested for the longevity of your health and to have restorative sleep.



End Note

If you are working on healing more long term hormonal health imbalances, feel free to stay on the week 6 or 7 meal plan. Or, stay with the suggested Protocol from the symptom checker. If moving onto the Longevity Of Health Plan: Remember, you know have the flexibility of having fat and beans together sometimes. Your colon will benefit from the fats and the soluble fiber binding together. You just won't get 100% of either but the healthy benefit of both.  I often keep my fat snack separate still by 90 just so I know I am getting 100% of it. 




Don't do well with beans?

Replace your beans with 1-2 teaspoons of husk 3x a day 90 min away from fats. Mix quickly and slug down fast. It gets nasty quick.

Sleep troubles?

Eat beans at night. Yet, I said that. Karen had me do it while I was healing myself. I worked, or at least I stopped waking up. I think it's because I didn't want to eat beans, but she swears it helps pull down the adrenaline that can wake us up at night or make it hard to fall asleep. I suggest blending beans and putting them in a hydro flask, making it easy to drink beans in the dark. Or take 1tsp of husk. Don't turn on lights; don't make a fuss. Drink beans, rinse and repeat if it feels like you have been awake for a while. Get morning and evening light to help set your internal sleep clock.

These days if I can't sleep I meditate with a mantra, or listen to some yoga Nidra or use the Reveri app to help with stress and sleep. I am not affiliated. Download it!

Try to get morning sun and evening sun- this will help set a healthy circadian rhythm.


If constipated. Drop husk, add olive oil on your veggies with every meal. Eat other fats with meals too. Drink warm water all day long to help relieve constipation. Increase your water. Go to 1/2 cup beans 3x a day with meals, and include 2tbsp of olive oil with meals. Eat fat snacks with or between meals. If that doesn't help, try adding in Mag Citrate in. Have before bed and in the Morning. Once pooping well, slowly ease off - slowly. Once constipation is relieved, try the protocol again. Eat all approved veggies.

Single and dating?

DON'T, I repeat DON'T talk about The Bean Protocol... unless you'd like to cut the date short. Also, eat beans before you go out. Have one glass of wine instead of the entire bottle or, better yet, don't drink. Otherwise, make healthy choices and enjoy yourself!

Loose Stools?

Eat super soft steamed veggies—green beans, carrots, peas, and squash. NO oils. White rice, lean protein, and 2 tablespoon of beans 6 x a day and slowly work up to 1/3 cup. After a few weeks of normal poops, slowly add in more cooked veggies and fats. Once resolved, try Protocol as suggested for your other symptoms. No spicy, and no tomatoes.

Trying to lose weight?

Cut all grains and cut down on starchy veggies.

Trying to gain weight?

Add 1/2 cup or more of whole grains to each meal. Brown rice, white rice etc. Also enjoy more healthy fats, nuts, olive oil, avocado etc. Increase starchy veggies. Rest.

Yeast or Mold issues?

Eat 2-3 tbsp of cooked garlic daily. If tolerated. 


1 1/2 cup baking sodas in 2 inches of warm water. Sit for 20 min. Drain water and repeat. Drink a ton of water. Do this for a week, and make sure that nasty fucker is GONE. Don't stop. Listen to a podcast. Chill. If your UTI has not been resolved within the week or is severe, please see your Doctor.

Hungry while on the protocol?

Add some veggies to your bean snacks. Still hungry? Add a little protein. Still hungry? Have a fat snack like salted nuts 60- 90 min away from legumes. Drop a bean snack if need be.

Acid Reflux?

No spicy, no tomatoes, and for some, no nightshade veggies either. If reflux is bad, drink 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 4oz warm water.Drink all at once.

PMS Strategies?

Drop your bean serving to 2 tbsp and have them 8-12 times a day starting three days before your cycle (or whenever your PMS symptoms begin), about 20-40-60 minutes throughout your day. After the 2nd day of your period, go back to Protocol.

An easy way to get in a lot of beans is to blend them with some broth and just drink all day.

Cystic Acne?

Use a baking soda splash for your face. Do this once daily. 1 tablespoon baking soda into 1 tablespoon water and mix creating a paste. Pat into your acne areas and let dry. Leave on for 20 min. Some stinging is reasonable, but if it causes acute irritation to discontinue. B5 and Zinc-rich foods can help in the skin healing process. Protein has a lot of zinc and B5, as do legumes, nuts, and many veggies.

Chronic Fatigue?

REST. No seriously. When you feel energized, resist the urge to drain that battery. It only feels full. It is not. Chill. This might take a while.

Low on Iron?

Cook in a cast iron skillet, eat animal protein, eat legumes, eat pumpkin seeds, spinach, and eat Vit C rich veggies to help absorb the iron.


Your cycle might shift, change in length, and move around in general. Super common. It should settle back down as you go on TBP. Also, note that the ovulation/cycle can cause a significant hormonal shift and cause a flare of your symptoms. Bean up!