Simple Black beans

1 dried bag of black beans soaked over night.

1 yellow onion sliced thin or chopped - whatever you like cause you gotta eat it.

3/4 cloves of garlic - I used garlic confit

3 medium carrots, you can also add in more veggies here. Red pepper would be nice, kale, celery etc.

Sea salt to taste
1tbsp chili
1tbsp smoked paprika
1 tsp cinnamon

4 cups purified water- more as needed.

Cook for a few hours or till your beans are soft and melt in yo mouth.


Garlic confit- I like to do about 20 garlic cloves and simmer in olive oil on low heat till golden. I put the entire concoction into a glass ball jar and store in the fridge. I like scooping out just the olive oil to cook with and maybe chow a few of the cloves while I’m at it.