You're Great Podcast- Jana Breen's - Healing Story.

In Episode 23- I sit with my client Jana and chat about changing her pregnancy story. Jana had two pregnancies before that had ended in Cholestasis and wanted to avoid it this time if possible and hopefully have a natural home birth! Having a home birth was Jana's dream scenario and one she had yet to experience.

I loved our chat and am super excited to share it with you. I hope Jana's story inspires you along your healing journey!

Here is a note from Jana that lead to us doing this healing story together. Thank you, Jana, for being brave and sharing your story. Sharing our struggles and healing journey inspires each other to live our healthiest lives.


I just wanted to send a note of gratitude for the session and support you provided me in my pregnancy and health journey this year. On 10/4, I delivered a healthy 9 lb baby girl, Lyla, home at 40 weeks and two days.

Having had Cholestasis with my other two children, I had experienced having to be induced at 37 weeks. Although everything was ultimately ok, I experienced a loss of the births I had wanted, developing preeclampsia and my son having to be in the NICU for high bilirubin levels.

My experience was a catalyst to digging deeper into what was impacting my liver. It was a proud moment to avoid Cholestasis when both OB and midwives told me it was almost guaranteed I would likely get it again. More so, to have kept my baby safe and to see how strong and healthy she is has been such a comfort. I learned so much more about my body and supporting my liver through this process, and I am so thankful to the bean protocol for what it taught me and the empowerment it has provided.

Thank you so much!


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