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Rachel S- Fertility and C-diff healing story.

Currently 14 weeks pregnant with a healthy, normal, perfect little baby in my womb and feeling fabulous! I want to backtrack to where my story begins on the magical bean protocol. My healing journey with Unique started at age 37. This was 2 years and 4 months ago when I was struggling to overcome a nasty, highly contagious stomach infection called C Diff/ C Difficile. My symptoms of C Diff included an upset stomach all day, fevers, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, and malaise. I was sick like this for six months while being under the care of a gastroenterologist. I found Unique in the mix of all of this, had a coaching call, and within one month of being extremely strict and following her instructions on the bean protocol I felt night and day better. By month three on the bean protocol, I was healed from the C Diff infection. All my symptoms went away, and I was thriving.

My TTC (trying to conceive) journey started immediately following this healing path. I have diminished ovarian reserve/ “DOR” and was considered to be a geriatric pregnancy due to age. I was under the care of a fertility specialist, became naturally pregnant three different times and miscarried each of those babies.  I want to say that I truly believe that my healthy lifestyle and eating/diet allowed my body to be so fertile and get pregnant so many times. My fertility specialist felt my losses were due to my DOR which also leads to poor egg quality and my age was against me. We performed two IVF transfers and unfortunately neither of those were successful.

I was constantly scratching my head wondering why I continued to have losses. Things were not making sense. In total I saw four fertility specialists. The final doctor I saw tested me for MTHFR and Antiphospholipid Syndrome or “APS.” APS is a blood clotting disorder that can create infertility and miscarriage. Positive MTHFR can also create the same exact issues with fertility. I got naturally pregnant again weeks after finding out I was positive for both MTHFR and APS, so my doctor started me immediately on a blood thinner called Lovenox for the APS and also baby aspirin 81 mg daily. I take a supplement called METANX for the positive MTHFR. I am currently two months away from my 40th birthday, pregnant naturally, my baby is flourishing, and I have never felt better. My first trimester was filled with no nausea, good energy, no headaches, deep sleep, and just generally feeling amazing.

As I move into the second trimester, I feel so grateful for the bean protocol, for my coaching calls with Unique, and for all of the helpful information and teachings on her website, blog, and Instagram page. I know in my heart this protocol was the key to getting me pregnant each and every time. I believe the protocol helped to heal the eggs that I did have in my reserve. I plan to continue the bean protocol for the rest of my life, I plan to feed my baby lots of beans and teach them all about the beany ways of life. I share my story with the world to encourage all women to advocate for themselves along their fertility journeys.

Rachel S